When the national economic downturn hit our high street five years ago, South Somerset District Council’s (SSDC’s) Area South members responded with a “Back to Basics” Policy focused on ensuring that Yeovil town centre continued to be clean and well maintained.
Since then SSDC has invested around one hundred and fifty thousand pounds on a programme of work designed to make Yeovil a pleasant place to visit. Working with partners including the Somerset County Council’s Highways department, Yeovil Town Council and The Yeovil Town Team, projects undertaken include improvements to public areas with new paving, repairing, upgrading or replacing street furniture and improved landscaping and planting schemes. This is a process of ongoing improvement to ensure that visitors have the very best experience when visiting Yeovil.
Councillors Tony Lock and Peter Gubbins proposed having a Ranger for Yeovil town centre based on the good work they had seen carried out under the Parish Ranger scheme. This dedicated Ranger will work in partnership in the town to ensure that it is looking its best.
South Somerset District Council’s Area South Development Team, Yeovil Town Council and Yeovil Without Parish Council have all contributed funding to employ a Ranger for one year. If successful it is hoped the project will be supported in future years.
Councillor Peter Gubbins, Area South Committee Chairman said, “There are very real signs that confidence is returning to our high streets. The opening of a large H&M store in the Quedam has brought a real buzz to the town. SSDC is committed to ensuring that shoppers and visitors have a positive experience and want them to choose Yeovil as their number one shopping destination”.