Training helps to keep older people moving


South Somerset District Council’s Healthy Lifestyles Team helped to keep older and frail people on the move with a fun packed Flexercise session at the Octagon Theatre on Monday 12 September. Sam Wenden-de-Lira, Healthy Lifestyles Officer at the District Council explained the benefits of the training: “Flexercise is a series of chair based exercises that are an ideal way to keep residents in nursing homes, care homes, Active Living Centres, residential homes and sheltered housing active. Full story: Read more

Super Saturday to draw the crowds into Yeovil this September


A six foot python, a living statue, music on every corner, craft activities and an eclectic mix of market stalls – all this and more on a Saturday in Yeovil. Super Saturday will take place on 24 September from 9.30am and includes all of the above and much more until 4pm. South Somerset District Council and Yeovil Town Council have seized the opportunity to collaborate on the organisation of exciting events in Yeovil Town Centre. Full story: Read more