New shared legal services partnership launched in Somerset

ShapeMendipThis week sees the launch of a new tri-district shared legal services partnership which aims to streamline and improve the service offered to customers while also making vital efficiency savings. The creation of Shape Partnership Services – Law & Governance is the result of Mendip District Council teaming up with Taunton Deane Borough Council (TDBC) and West Somerset Council (WSC) to provide one shared legal service across the three authorities. The new tri-council partnership will deliver immediate savings of between 10% -15% to TDBC and 15% to WSC, while Mendip aims to make 14% savings within the first five years of the project. Full story: Read more

Mendip Council to establish its own housing company

Mendip District CouncilIn the face of ever-decreasing funding from central government, Mendip District Council has taken the groundbreaking decision to set up its own housing company to generate additional income. With the annual financial settlement from central government expected to be completely removed by 2020, councils around the country are having to come up with new and innovative solutions to generate funding. Full story: Read more