New Wells Rec working group meets for first time

Mendip District CouncilThe first meeting of the new Wells Recreation Ground working group has taken place, with the group being allocated several key tasks. The working group has been set up to help the Wells Recreation Ground Trust (WRGT) revise its strategic plan, as suggested in the recent Options Appraisal. It will make recommendations to the trustees to ensure that the community has a say in how the Bishop’s Barn and recreation ground will be improved to become viable and self-sustaining for the future. Full story: Read more

Mendip issues call for potential development sites

Mendip District CouncilMendip District Council is asking local landowners to help the authority update its information on sites across the district that could potentially be suitable for housing, commercial and community use. This ‘call for sites’ is a statutory responsibility and the information gathered will be used to update the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) which in turn will influence the council’s work on its site allocations development plan for the Local Plan Part Two. Full story: Read more

Phone and Pay… then Go!!

Partners (GPMUnns14)Finding the correct change for parking meters could be a thing of the past for visitors to Mendip. A new Phone and Pay system has been introduced allowing people who park in Mendip District Council run car parks to pick up their phones instead of their wallets. Although the new Phone and Pay service has been in place since April an official launch took place on Friday 11 July in Northside car park, Street, attended by representatives from all the involved partners. Full story: Read more