Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware) By John Martin

When surrounding oneself with things from the past either as a collector concentrating on a particular subject or in general terms furnishing a home with antique furniture or simply an interest in just a few decorative items to add to a home, creating a pleasant environment, discrimination when making a purchase is all important.

Originality as near as possible and good condition coupled with a richness of feel and colour which cannot be imitated associated with years of careful use and handling should be the aim.

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Wincanton building plans rejected

Government officials have rejected a proposal to build 55 homes close to Wincanton Community Hospital. South Somerset District Council rejected the initial application, while an appeal by Hopkins Development Limited fell on deaf government ears.

Concerns were raised about the proposal’s impact on the hospital, and the potential closure of the hospital while work was being completed. Wincanton mayor Colin Winder still has his concerns, stating: “We won the appeal but that was just one battle”