Police in Somerset are appealing for witnesses after a 20ft (6m) straw man was destroyed in a fire. The giant figure had been erected in a field opposite the North Perrot Farm Shop near Crewkerne, two weeks ago. Full Story: Read More
Landlords’ Forum – Thursday 25th October at Yeovil Rugby Club, Dorchester Road, Yeovil
South Somerset District Council is hosting its sixth in a series of Landlords’ Forums run in partnership with the National Landlords Association. The first five forums have been very well attended.
It is anticipated that this will be a very popular event because the coalition government is introducing Universal Credit, which could bring changes for landlords and tenants. Ian Potter – Head of Benefits and Revenues will be talking through the changes.
The Beatles in Taunton! Unseen Mystery Tour footage goes online
Beatles unseen Mystery Tour footage goes online.
Previously unseen footage of The Beatles sharing fish and chips while filming their 1967 film Magical Mystery Tour has been posted online. It shows The Beatles taking a break from the Magical Mystery Tour coach at a fish bar in Taunton, Somerset. Full Story: Read More