Two Longleat koala keepers have returned from a support mission to help with the wildlife emergency following the devastating Australian bushfires. Longleat is the only zoological collection in Europe to look after southern koalas, and is part of a long-term partnership with the South Australia Government and Cleland Wildlife Park, in the Adelaide Hills, to support research and conservation programmes for wild koalas. Full story: Read more
Sherborne Snowdrop Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving
Marie Curie, Weldmar Hospicecare, the Yeatman Hospital and Cruse will join together again in 2020 for the Snowdrop Service. This is a marvellous example of organisations working together to support those who have been bereaved at any time. The snowdrop is a symbol of hope after a long cold winter and many people who attend gain comfort from knowing that others are going through a similar journey.
Members of staff from each organisation will take part in the service which will be followed by refreshments. The Snowdrop Service, is hosted by Sherborne Churches Together and will be held on Friday 7 February at 11.30 at Cheap Street Church, Sherborne DT9 3BJ. All are welcome. Contact Rev’d. Lesley McCreadie for further information on [email protected] or 01963 210548