Funding for an over-50s fitness session in Yeovil means that people will be able to take part for only £2.
The sessions are specifically for participants aged over 50, with a qualified gym instructor on hand for guidance and advice.
South Somerset District Council, working in partnership with Bucklers Mead Leisure Centre, is using special Active Somerset funding to provide the sessions at the reduced rate. The Council is keen to promote active ageing and activity opportunities for all ages across the district.
The sessions are taking place at Bucklers Mead Leisure Centre on Wednesdays from 11am to 12 noon.
SSDC Councillor Sylvia Seal, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture, says: “All the research and advice from health professionals indicates how vital it is to continue being active, to maintain physical and mental health. These very reasonably priced sessions for over-50s are just one aspect of a comprehensive programme of activities and events, designed to reach all ages of our local population across the district.”
For more information, please contact Bucklers Mead Leisure Centre on 01935 431716 / email [email protected]
or Sam Wenden-de-Lira at South Somerset District Council on 01935 462346 / [email protected]