Council Tax Support Scheme – Consultation 2016 / 2017

SSDCSouth Somerset District Council has opened a consultation with Council Tax payers and other interested parties on possible changes to its Local Council Tax Support Scheme for 2016/17.

The consultation opened on Wednesday 15 July and will close on Wednesday 9 September 2015.

Council Tax Support, which replaced Council Tax Benefit in April 2013, is a local discount scheme to help people on a low income pay their Council Tax. Council Tax Support for ‘pension age’ people who pay Council Tax remains protected by national rules which are almost the same as those in place under the previous Council Tax Benefit scheme.

The Council is seeking views on proposals to reduce the cost of the scheme and other ways the Council can manage cuts to its funding from the Government. The final decision on how to deal with budget cuts may be a combination of these other options and reducing levels of Council Tax Support.

We are also asking for views on alternative ways to help deal with government funding cuts, by increasing the annual Council Tax charge or spending less money on our council services.

In 2014/15 £8.9 million was awarded to help people pay their Council Tax.

Details of the Council Tax Support scheme and the survey can be found at

A paper form and an easy read version are available for those unable to use the online form. These can be requested by calling 01935 462404

Councillor Peter Seib, Portfolio Holder for Finance and Legal Services said “I would urge Council Tax payers to tell us what they think of the proposals to change the Council Tax Support scheme and alternative ways to manage cuts to the grant the Council receives from Government.”