Local residents rolled up their sleeves and got digging for the Tree Planting Day which formed part of the brand new King Arthur Drive Play Area project in Yeovil.
The new play area will provide a challenging and fun environment for young people and will feature a range of exciting new equipment including a zip line, a toddler and junior climbing frame, a basket swing as well as a new footpath and seating.
Robert Parr, Senior Play & Youth Facilities Officer at South Somerset District Council said, “This exciting project has been made possible through partnership working between the District Council, Brympton Parish Council, Knightstone Housing Association, Yarlington Housing Group and the local Police Community Support Officer.
“We were delighted with the turnout of 20 volunteers and together we planted trees and hedging including 15 Scots Pines, 300 Beech and 70 Holy trees. The volunteers included both young and older people making it an intergenerational event. Overall the planting day
was extremely successful as it enabled local people get involved with improving their own environment.”
The trees and hedging will enhance the landscape of the new play area, providing some screening of the site from nearby properties. They will also help to define the boundary, reduce the risk of children running from the play area onto Merlin Close and improve the wildlife habitat in the park.
Councillor Sylvia Seal, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture at South Somerset District Council said, “The area has undergone a stunning transformation and it’s good to see the local community getting so involved. This can only help local residents feel a sense of ownership towards the park. As time goes by they will be able to see the trees and hedges grow into maturity, providing a legacy for future generations to enjoy.”
Our support for this project is part of South Somerset District Council’s ongoing work to increase and improve play opportunities for children in the district.”